Saturday, October 23, 2010

A German Lesson

On Tuesday, Michelle Wagner, Josie's mother, visited our classroom to share some wonderful information about German customs, rituals and traditions. Mrs. Wagner, who spent some of her childhood years in Germany with her family, brought in her children's beautiful birthday ring, identical to the one used by German families. She also shared a birthday cone called a 'schultuete', and sang 'Happy Birthday' to the children in German,too. What a delightful visit. Danke schoen!

Michelle Wagner joins us, wearing her traditional 'Tryolean' jacket, to teach the children a bit about Germany.

She sings 'Happy Birthday' in German to the children.

She explains the traditions of the birthday ring.

The birthday ring is decorated with simple handcrafted items that matches the child's interest.

This is called a 'schultuete'.
Here she explains, that according to German tradition, it is customary to receive a 'schultuete' which is a special cone, that is filled with special goodies and treats like candies, toys and simple treasures, during one's birthday celebration.

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